Macha banana smoothie with mango and coconut

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Macha banana smoothie with mango and coconut

Matcha tea for energy. Banana and mango through vitamins. Smoothie full health.

Ingredients for recipe: Macha banana smoothie with mango and coconut

  • 1 banana
  • 1 mango
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa quality
  • 1 teaspoon green tea Matcha
  • Almond Coconut Milk

Directions for recipe: Macha banana smoothie with mango and coconut

Put all ingredients into a blender and smooth Blend Smoothie.

Tags for recipe: Macha banana smoothie with mango and coconut

Banana Mango Cocoa Macha Coconut milk

Discussion for recipe: Macha banana smoothie with mango and coconut

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